Petcock and petrol hose routing

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: Category:Garage Category:Data and measurements Author: Goose, Translation: theGrinch The GS has a petrol tap which is activated by negative pressure. I...)

Version vom 22:54, 17. Jun. 2008

Author: Goose, Translation: theGrinch

The GS has a petrol tap which is activated by negative pressure. It has three positions: ON, RES and PRI. It is an automatic shutdown valve which is supposed to prevent flooding of the carburetors in case of a defect carburetor-valve.
The petrol tank itself also has a petrol tap which includes a filter, this only has the positions ON and OFF.


Positions of the tap and mechanism (1989-2000)


ON-position of the tap
This is the normal position. The tap is activated by the negative pressure produced when the engine is started.

If the engine is off, no petrol is moving.


RES-position of the tap

This is the postion for reserve. Should the GS die whilst driving, this is the position you need. If you practice this manoeuver, you should be able to do it whilst drving before the engine seizes. The reserve is suitable for about 30 to 50 kilometers (20-35 miles).
If the engine is off, no petrol is moving.


PRI-Stellung des Benzinhahns

This position is PRI, an abreviation vor PRIME. This is used to refill the carburetors after they were emptied if the bike was not used for some time, or if the carburetors were cleaned. Be careful, this position can actually flood the carburetors! In this postion, the carburetor valve is the only thing stopping the petrol - is this valve old or worn, the petrol will exit the carburetor straight through the overflow hose.

PRI is the position in which most petrol can flow through the tap. This can help, if the bike seizes on you after a longer time with full throttle. (to be translated!)

Positions of the tap and mechanism (2001-heute)


ON-position of the tap
This is the normal position. The tap is activated by the negative pressure produced when the engine is started.

If the engine is off, no petrol is moving.


RES-position of the tap

This is the postion for reserve. Should the GS die whilst driving, this is the position you need. If you practice this manoeuver, you should be able to do it whilst drving before the engine seizes. The reserve is suitable for about 30 to 50 kilometers (20-35 miles).
If the engine is off, no petrol is moving.


PRI-position of the tap

This position is PRI, an abreviation vor PRIME. This is used to refill the carburetors after they were emptied if the bike was not used for some time, or if the carburetors were cleaned. Be careful, this position can actually flood the carburetors! In this postion, the carburetor valve is the only thing stopping the petrol - is this valve old or worn, the petrol will exit the carburetor straight through the overflow hose.

PRI is the position in which most petrol can flow through the tap. This can help, if the bike seizes on you after a longer time with full throttle. (to be translated!)

Positions of the upper petrol tap

The upper petcock (see Hose routing - Kraftstoffhahn Nr. 1) is located underneath the petrol tank and prevents drainage if the hoses are disconnected.


ON-position of the upper petcock


OFF-position of the upper petcock

Hose routing

Hose routing
California Model
CAVE: This scheme is one of the few correct ones!

Further down you can find some WRONG ones!

The petrol hoses of the GS have 8mm inner and 11mm outer diameter. To exchange all petrol hoses, you need about 1 to 1.5 metres.

Function and coulor of the hoses and routing:

  • Red hose
    Goes from the front, longer hose of the upper petcock to the rear hose of the lower petcock. This hose is for the reserve.
    This hose is covered in heat shrink tubing originally.
  • Blue hose
    Goes from the rear, shorter hose of the lower petcock to the outer frontal hose of the lower petcock. This hose is for ON.
    This hose is covered in heat shrink tubing originally.
  • Green hosing
    Goes from the inner frontal hose of the lower petcock to the T-piece between the carburetors, it's the connection between the petcock and the carburetor intake.
  • Yellow hose
    Goes from the backside of the lower petcock to the left carburetor. This is the negative pressure hose. When the engine is running, the negative pressure opens the membrane in the lower petcock and the petrol can flow.
  • Orange hoses
    All air outlet and overflow.
  • Carburetor air outlet
    Goes from the upper T-piece between the two carburetors above the airbox in between the airbox and the battery, ends there open!
  • Petrol tank air outlet
    From the thin hose it goes down to the right side of the engine. It also drains petrol and water which accumulates underneath the tank cap.

HIER WEITERMACHEN! UND tap durch petcock ersetzen!!!

  • Ablauf am Luftfilterkasten
    Dicker Schlauch vom Stutzen unten an der Airbox zur rechten Motorseite vor der Fußraste. Endet in einem Schlauch mit Schlitz (Rückschlagventil).
    Hier läuft überfliessender Sprit bei defektem Schwimmern oder Kondenswasser aus der Airbox ab. Dabei wird oft auch Öl von der Kurbelgehäuseentlüftung mit ausgeschieden.
  • Kurbelgehäuseentlüftung
    Dicker schwarzer Schlauch von der kleinen Haube oben auf dem Ventildeckel, geht gleich oben an den Luftfilterkasten.
    Hier werden Öldämpfe aus dem Motorgehäuse in den Luftfilterkasten geleitet und so dem Verbrennungsvorgang wieder zugeführt.
  • Batterientlüftung
    Dünner Schlauch vom Anschluß rechts an der Batterie nach unten zwischen Motorblock und Schwinge hindürch direkt auf die Straße.
    Die Batterie erzeugt beim Laden ein Gas was wir als Knallgas aus der Schule kennen. Dieses wird über diesen Schlauch einfach abgeführt. Bei diesem Vorgang setzt sich auch ein wenig Batteriesäure in dem Schlauch ab, daher ist Vorsicht beim Wechseln geboten.

falsches Schlauchschema
falsches Schlauchschema

Die obere Abbildung ist eine der wenigen richtigen Abbildungen des Schlauchschemas.

Bei vielen Abbildungen ist der Benzinhahn im Tank der GS um 180 Grad verdreht abgebildet!
In Fahrtrichtung gesehen muss der lange Stutzen nach vorne zeigen, und der Absperrhahn nach rechts.

So wie es auf diesen beiden Bildern abgebildet ist ist es falsch.