Conversion instructions

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Dies ist eine alte Version. Zeitpunkt der Bearbeitung: 21:23, 7. Apr. 2008 durch TheGrinch (Diskussion | Beiträge).
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Deutsche Version

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Here are the conversions described that we've already done to the GS 500. The authors and the webmaster of are not liable if one of your conversions does not work! These instructions have to be regarded as support, not guarantees for a working conversion.
All conversions do change the bike from the condition it was registered with, so please check with your local authorities whether you are allowed to do the conversion, or if you have to meet certain criteria. This obviously should be done before you start the conversion!

Rear rims

Rocker & Rim

Front rim

Gabeln & Felgen


For most of the conversions we do have a certificate from the German TÜV, if it's of any use for you, request it via email. But even in Germany this is not a guarantee to get your conversion into the papers, as some TÜV examiners (wrongly) stated they are fakes.

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